Well merchandised shelves with minimum maintenance
Roller Track™ is a shelf-ready gravity feed system that offers full visibility of products, allowing the shopper to make their choice quickly and easily. Gravity front-feeding also makes out-of-stock detectable immediately and simplifies stock replenishment, whether filling from the front or rear, helping to reduce labour time.
Roller Track™ is a set of rollers that when placed on the shelf, makes the product roll to the shelf edge. The rollers can be supplied as individual tracks or as a sheet covering the full shelf surface. Used with an angle provider or angled shelf brackets, the sheet will get a perfect angle to roll the products to the shelf edge.
Key benefits:
- Avoid perceived out of stock with automated front-facing
- Easy to install, use and maintain
- Suitable for a variety of packaging formats and sizes
Watch our product video:
Recommended categories:
- Beverages
- Dairy products
- Beer, wine and spirits
- Grocery (soups, pasta)
- Home care products
- Coloration
- Non-food products